To be inspired, one needn't go anywhere or do anything in search of it. What is needed is the continuous perseverance. Continuous perseverance? Ok. Let me explain it in my own way. Continuous perseverance in my understanding is how we see every little thing through a positive lens. It also is about continuously drawing lessons from the past mistakes and preparing for a meaningful future. Inspiration is what makes a person to look beyond what lies within one's reach. You may take my example of how I get inspired through a seemingly little pinch when I was in the midst of drowning my hopes. Lately, due to various work stresses like not going the things in an expected way, not getting the attentions on what I feel I deserve has somehow disturbed my working patterns. I heavily lost my interest especially in writing after office. Did I tell you this , that I usually write my blog posts after I get home from the office? Anyway, after that one incident when I was least app...
"Blogging to learn"