It’s been merely a week that I left the work I loved the most and joined in another equally exciting job. As a gender and knowledge management officer in CARLEP, I used to love so much about the work nature, especially about having to write a lot. Now as a staff of ticketing and reservation in drukair, it’s exciting to deal with lots of customers. Every day, I get to see new faces, new issues and new resolutions. Everything about everyday is fun yet equally challenging. On the first day of the new work, my husband told me that every day in drukair is a new learning. I didn’t understand what it meant because I thought that work at everywhere would be just so monotonous, like how it is in almost everywhere. But I got to understand his statement since the first few hours of walking in the office and observing the other staff work. Each customer comes up with different service need. By the way, hey you, this is not the complain or anything as such. I am humbly writing what I obse...
"Blogging to learn"