We are not together now, Maybe we will never be, Never in this world, in this age, or in these circumstances. But we know, both of us, Of our unattended attractions, Of our unfulfilled desires, To be together, to walk the path of this life together, To cry on each other’s shoulder, To laugh together, To see the sunrise together, Or to dine from the same plate, To trap the mouse together at midnight, Or to read a book or write a poem together. Because we are not together, How much ever we feel is connected, We are the sun and the moon, Meant to be in the same sky, But not meant to shine together. We are not together, And this fact hurts, Like a lazy bug, Slow and constant, Like a rotten egg, Fumigating and terrible. We are not together, And all our doors closed. Yet for ‘MY’ every closed door, There is a little window, Always opened for your miraculous entrance.
"Blogging to learn"