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A piece of comfort for you guys

Today, the Preliminary Exam (PE) result is out. And I heard that 80% of the graduates could make through to the Main Exam. This is one of the good news to everyone, especially to me though I am not in the list. But I can feel the kinda feelings the graduates are feeling today because I have experienced this day. 

Firstly, I want to pay my sincerest congratulations for the scorer above the cut-off mark. You all must be feeling like one of the dreams has come alive like I have felt during my time. So, I want to say ‘you have achieved half of your dreams but never forget that you still have a quarter un-achieved to make your dreams full.’

To almost 20 people in my facebook list: who are somehow close to me, I asked about their result. And to my expectation, all of these 20 people have passed the PE. So, I am really happy today. Therefore, I don’t have much to say to those who could make through because they must be already in a good mood and this piece of writing wouldn’t mean much to them. But I have few things to be shared with those who couldn’t clear through. 
I just want to say this,,, ‘RCSE doesn’t really define who you are, how academically good you are and how good you are at language or whatever. RCSE to me, just defines how lucky and how fortunate you are.'

Some of you who couldn’t have a good result today must be feeling low, weak and ignored. You must be feeling like you are just a waste. But let me tell you, getting through RCSE is not everything. Just by not scoring good marks in RCSE doesn’t end everything. 

A way better portion of your life is waiting. All you have to do is be strong and keep moving. You shouldn’t be losing your hopes and trust. There always is a room where you can enter in with what you are. 

You know, I have also been the…let’s say victim of RCSE though not in PE but in Main Exam (ME). I couldn’t get selected in ME. That day, I have felt like my dream has been crumbled down. I really felt low, rejected and really didn’t know what lies before me. Perhaps, that was my first failure in my schooling life. 
However, the one thing I am proud of myself is I didn’t become weak. Rather I took that failure as a challenge. You know, since then, I started paying more attention on whatever I do because of the fear of failure again. I became more determined and more aggressive, positively. I wanted to proof that I am not useless as proven by RCSE. 

So, I attended the job interview of the one I am doing now. I didn’t take that lightly because I already got the lesson from RCSE. I didn’t want to fail. I invested more effort and more concern. And luckily or unluckily, I could proof that RCSE is not only the thing. 
You know, although I couldn’t get through RCSE, I am perfectly happy now. I feel I am successful to the best of my ability. I am contended now. 

So, you guys don’t lose your hope. Keep strong, keep moving and keep discovering your destination. It won’t take much to discover if you start finding it from now.


  1. Dear sister,
    I am one of the victim who couldn't cross that bridge so called "PE". But you raised my head and made me think over. Thank you so much for making us believe in ourselves.


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