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Visit to 2nd Taktshang in East on New Year, 2017.

I bet everybody will have their own exciting tales to tell on how they have welcomed the New Year; 2017. And yes, me too, I am not in the exception list. 

I also has a tale to tell, in fact an amazing one, at least to myself. Since the very first day of the New Year was on Sunday, it was even more exciting. I usually feel super relaxed on Sundays. 

Well, the very first Sunday of the very New Year for me was such a blessed day. I along with seven others inclusive of my boss at work visited to a historic site called “Largab.” 

Largab is in Mongar. It is located at almost two hours walk from the point just below the Korela pass. Largab in plain Sharchop language is “behind horizon.” Yes, the place was exactly behind a huge, beautiful mountain horizon. 

The place is also called as “2nd Taktshang” owing to fact that its establishment there was followed by a roaring Tigress when a highly learned religious figure called “Shacha Rinchen” was waiting for an omen to build his stays. Externally, we can also see that the location of the place is almost similar to that of our precious Paro Taktshang. 

Distant View of Largab
Close view of Largab

 Just before entering the main site, there are several little houses (Tshamkhangs). We were told that there are seven Tshampas (Mediators) meditating. Their vicinity is so heavenly. 

  To the top of the main temple, there is another little temple and just above that little temple, on the cliff, there is that "Om mani pedmey Hung." We were told that no body has crafted or written it. But it has emerged naturally. 

Naturally emerged Om mani pedmey Hung
 To the right side of that little temple, there also is the Drupchu (Holly water). Unlike other holly waters, it was so submerged in a narrow cave. Only a single person at a time could fit in that cave.  

View from the cave of the Holly water
 At some few distance towards the right from the main temple, there is another cave. To reach that, it has to pass from a steep cliffs. It was said that it is to pay Thanks and Respects to our parents if we could pass that cave and get out from next end, crossing the ridge located there. 

Poor me, i must be having a slight  acrophobia. I couldn't pass that steep cliff.I couldn't even reach up to the cave. Two young men from our team could cross that. I was so envious of them. 

As we return back, contentedly, we halt for a lunch at another beautiful place. Packing lunch and eating together is so much fun. 

Lunch Time

 Lunch place was so beautiful with all those flattering colorful prayer flags. 

Prayer flags
 Of all the exciting things, that little 'Tsho' has captured me more. It was really peacefully laid there, hidden with thick woods, just above that thousands prayer flags.

The 'Tsho.'
By the time, we descends back to home, all of us were contentedly exhausted.   

Us: walking down to home
Well, as i reach home, that night, somebody asked me what wishes did i make? Honestly, i don't know. I must be seriously lost into amazement. I don't remember what were the wishes i made. But i am certain i prayed for the well being of all. 

As the day ended that day, i silently thanked everyone in the team for making a great companion. And yes, just before i went to bed that night, i wished everyone a 'Happy 2017' in my mind. That way, my opening to the new year was so blissful. 

Oh yes, i recommend everybody or to the least, the people residing in Mongar area or close to visit that place. Its so heavenly. 

Please also visit me at: to get the exciting updates of our film celebrities

Thanking you. 


  1. Glad to see your beautiful blog.
    I shall put up on my blog roll.
    Have a wonderful 2017.

    1. Thank you Letro sir for having gone through my blog.

      Please visit me again. Happy 2017. Happy Blogging!

  2. I couldn't go there yaar!!!. But as i went through your post, felt as if i was also amongst you.
    I was waiting for your update on this.

    1. Never to worry Kinley for not reaching to that place.

      Since, its not very far, you can plan to visit one weekend or so. I must say, its worth visiting to such a sacred monuments.

      Please have a good time. Thank you for visiting this page.

      Happy 2017 to you. And Happy Blogging!


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