If I were to write to my the one i loved the most. This kind would be the one. I just tried out
putting some good and imaginary lines. Fiction!
Like you are saying ‘We are long done talking and
there is no reason to restart it all over again.’ Yes, we are over and our story has ended the
ages ago. I don’t even have a tiny bit of heart that wants to beg you to come
back to me. I have had enough of you, I have let you go and I have walked alone
for all this way. And now, I have reached this far, away from you, I really want
to say ‘it is fine even if you don’t exist.’ However, it is all lie.
I must be
going crazy. Sometimes, I feel like talking to you, I feel like seeing you
around, close and near. But I know none of these feeling is because I want to
love you again. It is because I want to know more about you. And in short I want
to find the reason for dumping me.
Sometimes you may find me weird and sometimes silly.
This is all because, with you, I am still mad, sad and bad because you made me
all these three. I know I have no reason to blame you but still for all the
reasons, I want to put the blames on you.
Somewhere in some book, I have come across a line saying
“People who are drowned in the past are people who will never know the essence
of their future.” This lesson completely defines me. I am just drowned very
deep in the past. However, I am striving
to forget the past as I want to realize what the future is. But at the end of
every effort, I see your name.
You know, every night, the last wish I make before
sleep is ‘I don’t want to remember you the next day.’ But every morning the
first person to strike my mind is ‘you’. Since the last few years; from the day I saw
you, I found myself being very emotional-sensitive. At the touch of a little
bad word from you, I become extremely cheerless. I wish you understand this.
Sometimes in the middle of the night, when everyone
is asleep, I put on the candle, stretch out you photo, take a long look on your
face and write many things, both sensible and non-sensible about you, about me
and about us. You won’t believe me, one night I wrote about you till dusk from
midnight. And it came about fifty pages. I shared this with my best friend and
as expected she gave a long laugh. It was bit embarrassing.
The next day, she caught me sobbing after reading
the letter that you gave me. She must have felt my pain that time. She snatched
the letter and directly made a fire out of it. Instead of acknowledging, I didn’t
talk with her for three days because I felt like she has destroyed one of my
most treasured things.
Today, I am writing this not to melt your heart but to
ease the constriction in my heart. You know, it is hard to hide the feelings
inside but it is harder when the same feeling keeps repeating.
Last day, when I was scrolling down the newsfeed at
Facebook, I saw this…”Not caring of her pride and ego, if I girl text you the
first to say I miss you, if she wants to resolve the matter first, if she says
the sorry first, if she want to share every single moment with you, it doesn’t mean
she is desperate. It doesn’t mean she won’t get another boy. It just means she truly
loves you.” I thought this message applies the best with me. I wish you could
understand this.
Anyway, life is all about fate and lucks though some
are saying fate and lucks are self created. Once, I tried to create a fate and
luck because I didn’t want to lose you. I remained praying to the lords, I remained
very faithful and committed. But nothing worked out well with me. So, I bid a
proper farewell to you. I promised never to think about you, any more. But I don’t
know why things aren’t working with me. I just end up thinking about you. I again
wish if you could understand this.
Thank you.
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