Well, I have had enough pause for the writing I mean updating in my blog. I just couldn’t get into the blog for some reasons, reasons that I cannot really figure out. At some point, I thought I am not going to write. Really. I thought I will just leave it. Not because I had no time. I had enough time. I spent 100s of hours watching Korean drama and reading some short fictional stories online. I enjoyed those hours more than I enjoy scribbling my nonsense like this. Maybe, I didn’t want to use my brain or waste my energy scribbling. Maybe, I like something more fun or something more luxurious like getting lazy and not doing anything good. Oh no, these excuses make no sense. Let the blame be on me. Yes, I just didn’t feel like writing. I was just that fat lazy fox, wanting to be ideal.
But you know what? Do you know what got me writing this? It’s my readers who got me this pause button back to playing. I have had several of my readers asking me about my blogging. Initially, I didn’t give many thoughts on it. I was like, thank you, but there was not enough drive for me to write. But recently, I got a few more readers asking me. This time, I just couldn’t listen and get rid of it. I thought, even if one person likes reading my blog, who the hell am I to not give a shit? I will get back to my old self. I will just put in words whatever is in my mind just like I used to. I am thankful to those who made me get this feeling that I should write.
However, this doesn’t really mean I am going to attack the readers with the prolific writings. I can’t assure you how much I will be writing. Sometimes, there might be two posts in one day or sometimes no post at all even in two months. Moreover, Since the blog I maintain is not academically informative, many readers might not refer to it. But that’s okay. I am just going to keep the website live and keep a few of my readers connected with me.
Anyway, dear readers, I hope you all are keeping yourself fine. Haha. Are my greetings too late? Never mind. I am a person who is not very formal. I am sorry for this. I don’t start the day with a good morning or good afternoon. I would just get to the point if I need to talk. But this also doesn’t mean I am very rude. It’s just how I am. It’s weird actually. Nevertheless, I am really hopeful that you all are keeping fine. This pandemic, I hope it comes to end at the earliest so that all of us could see each other’s complete face, not just the eyes and the forehead. I hope you all can read this freely, completely and criticize my writings innocently.
Till then, be safe. Let’s catch up in the next post.
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